Monday, July 9, 2012


So, my friend hosted a tea party for the lovely stucks in my state!! If you are wondering, stucks are basically people who read homestuck, which is a web comic that I will link here - xx. I am not very caught up, as there are frequent updates on the story, but I plan to do that soon! Any who, my best friend Sami made a flipping AMAzING tea party. It was the best time and everyone enjoyed themselves and the whole thing was perfect! I could ramble on  and on about how we baked, danced to swing music, played apples to apples, walked to the playground, scared people away with be bee guns, tried to climb a dinosaur, flopped, and made a wonderful attempt (and success) at acting completely insane, but that would be too

Friday, July 6, 2012

bunches of oats

1/4 of my room is being taken up by all the decluttered stuff that I placed there when I literally wiped my furniture clean of any stuff, which includes my closet, book shelf, drawers, desk, etc. So now I just have this huge pile of stuff. Sitting there. Calling to me to clean it up. But I'm too lazy. This is a problem because I am planning on putting an organizational cubicle thing RIGHT where all of it I go.

homemade caramel frappucino

Given I don't live in convenient walking distance to any Starbucks's or coffee shops, my wonderful mom and I have created a great homemade version of the lovely frapucinos you can buy at Starbucks that could easily pass for an original! These are amazing and are perfect if you don't like spending too much money buying coffee!

(the recipe will be posted in an update of this post. please be patient. it'll be up soon)

iphone 4s...maybee

If you know me in real life, you already know that I am in a state of obsession for a certain piece of electronics that just so happens to be the most beautiful machine on this planet. Alright, you may disagree, but this is one sexy phone and I am hoping to get it for my birthday. Have you guessed yet? It is the iphone 4s in white.

I was hoping, whoever is reading this could give me some suggestions for protective, but not too bulky iPhone cases! That would be great. Price isn't an issue, so anywhere up to $50 should be fine. Thank eww <3

welcome to my personal blog

Hello everyone :3
I wasn't sure if I was going to make a personal blog, but I figured it would give me something to do and would be something fun to work on over the summer, so, here I am! The posts on here will most likely consist of: my whereabouts, recipes, tutorials, reviews, things I find interesting, my music, and anything else that comes to mind. If that interests you in any way, you are in the right place!

twitter - alicewonder0
tumblr - musicaltim